The Cornwall Highway Department is responsible for and maintains over 42 miles of roadway and 6.6 miles of sidewalk in the Town. In addition, the Highway Department provides winter maintenance on 12.5 miles of County roads in the Town of Cornwall.
In addition to winter maintenance, the Department engages in various types of road maintenance which consists of pothole patching, crack filling, oil/chip resurfacing, roadside mowing, street sweeping, guide rail replacement, tree removal and brush control.
The Highway Superintendent is also responsible for the Town’s Sanitation Department. This Department services approximately 3,300 residents, five apartment complexes and 30 commercial pick-ups in the following ways:
- Twice weekly pick-up of household trash
- Every week pick-up for single stream recycling
- Every other week for pick-up of brush and yard waste
- Bulk pickup arranged by calling Highway Department
Single Stream Recycling Information: Download Link
To receive Highway or Sanitation service or information, including how to obtain a Highway Work Permit, call or fax the Highway Superintendent’s office.
In the event of an emergency after hours, weekends or holidays the Highway Department can be reached through the Town of Cornwall Police Department at 845-534-8100.